Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Growing up and The Growing Old. 

As the old year comes to a close, I have the realization that I will be one year older in just 4 ½ months. I won’t mention the fact that I'm in denial of my age for that matter. With that aside though. I realized it’s time to make some changes. Major changes. Some of my major changes included music choices. The deep heart wrenching teenage angst hard core rock was just not doing my soul any more justice. Nor was the depressing videos I would watch and cry over.

While many people were making new years resolutions, I Was already making change. I didn’t need the new year to come in. I started the change right smack the first day of December. Since then I've lost a few lbs. Have become more positive and a bit happier. 

Other Changes involved , giving up hope. No not that kind of hope. The fruitless , dead-end kind of hope. The “You hope a unicorn will come trotting through your door and sweep you off your feet, but you know will never happen” kind of hope. Yes I decided I wasn't going to waste my time waiting for “him” any more. It’s such a waste of time. So this mama is moving forward. If God decides to fix the old husband bring him back, praise be. but if he doesn't, well I pray for a really good man, with a beard. 

MY priorities for this year, are my son, my home, my family, and hopefully going back to school. Going to culinary school right now is my goal for the 2016 year. I kicked off my year by sleeping in , but hey, its part of growing old right? riiiiiiiiiggghhhttttt?....

Friday, January 2, 2015

“Micah’s Mom where have you been ?!!”  

I know you are all asking this question , 
thinking to yourselves; 

“About time she post something new”

So what was I doing? Hiding from the world. well, kinda.


On Top of the Smokies All Covered in Snow.

After I crashed our car in the spring we had no car for the summer. When it was all fixed we decided to go on down to Pigeon Forge on turkey week. It was great amazing fun. Refreshing and Invigorating. We did some really great things. Ate some really good BBQ.
The The first night we were there , we were supposed to go out and eat local , but they were so jam packed full that we ended up eating at a Stake and Cake. ( if you get my drift)


On Day 2 of the trip
we started out by riding a helium balloon 500 feet up in the air..


Shortly after our ride, we drove to Ripley’s Aquarium.  

I spent most of my time observing the reaction on Micah’s face as he discovered all the fishies. 


Our trip lasted 3 days and went really well. With a drive through Cades Cove on day 3.  

Since then , I’ve been working, losing weight, sewing, cooking and getting ready for Micah's big first birthday. There will be no party, but we stocked up on some age appropriate presents that I hope he will play with !


We can’t wait to see what 
Micah will do this year. He has definitely shown us that he is more than ready to grow up. The thought brings me tears, but it also makes me look forward to the summer. So much fun is planned.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I guess I've been a bit  busy lately!   I  apologize for the lack of personal posts !!  I  know,  I need to get roll’n.   Well I  still have a few things to  accomplish , before I get full on swing’n on this blog.  
  Today's post has been in the  making for the past week!  and I'v decided  no more Procrastinating!   it’s gotta  get done !  
OH AND !   a  big shout out to  my guest posters !!   they  pulled me out  a pinch  this week, with out them  I would not have had anything  for you all to read  this week !   - THANK- YOU-  Melissa , and Jess

How To Be a Responsible Mom and still be Young

If you think your  youth is long gone  and down the drain, then think again. You need to be a responsible mother ,  but you  don’t need to   wear mom jeans.

    Keep in mind  that your son or daughter comes first!   no matter what you are  faced with.
    Before Making any big decisions about your  own life,  always ask  yourself this  question; "How  would this  Affect my child ?, is  it healthy for them or not ?”  With all that in mind you can proceed.

  1. First and Foremost, BE RESPONSIBLE !!!
    Ok, yeah I know ,  this is all  about being young, but  responsibility comes when you are very young. and  assuming your parents  taught you well. you should have no troubles being  responsible.  After  all  I’m pretty sure most of us   started understanding responsibility at around 5 or 7.

  1.  Don’t forget your real age.   
    I  think most  young  moms who have chosen to raise  their children tend to  get so  engulfed  in  proving we are mature enough to raise children,  that we forget who we really are or what age we really  are. I for one was telling a 19 year old about how  when I Was her age I never…. I’m 19!!! what do I MEAN when I was her age ?!!  that statement just made me look like a naggy old woman.

  1. Remember, Your Friends  probably are all still 17-23.
    Don’t  forget  that your friends  probably  don’t have children. So don’t be upset when they avoid the parenting talks, the stories of your  kid and so  on. With That in Mind….

  1. Avoid Talking About Your Child  While Around Your Friends.
    It is not wrong to  talk about your child  to  your friends, but learn to know  when its a good time !  Nothing kills a conversation more than when you steer the  convo towards  how adorable your kid is. Plus most of your friends probably , aren't even imagining having kids.

  2. Don’t Hang Out  with People Who make you  uncomfortable  about your choices.
    Choosing to carry a baby  full term  is  a big accomplishment.  To want to raise that baby all the way to adulthood is amazing in itself ! So ,  of course  there will be those who  won’t think you are up to the game or that  you are wasting your life, and those people will try to bring you down.   Avoid them.  They will blur your judgement of what it means to be a good parent.

  3. Don’t Dress Like a MoM.  
    Sure you are a mom! but seriously, it doesn't mean you can slack off on looking good, or  start wearing them mom jeans and button up polo shirts.  Also avoid wearing mom hair.

  4. Dress, Accordingly!
    Ok, well   we said  not  to wear MoM gear,  But  there are also things to keep  mind when dressing though. If you are  nursing , whatever you wear, whether you chose to  nurse in public, or pump  while out, has to be easy to do it in. So,  don’t wear the one piece jump suit you think you look hot in. If you  aren't  planning on doing  any of those things , or don’t  do them to begin with, then there is no problem.
    BUT!  if you are bringing your child with you,  keep in mind, that color  should matter. so no whites, or light colors. or anything that is dry clean.

  5. Don’t Take Your Child to Parties.
    or any where that will have drugs, alcohol, or loud music. It is not a healthy environment.
    It doesn't mean you can’t go,  but keep in mind you are a parent who is trying to prove she can raise a baby at a young age. So don’t be stupid and leave your kid with your parents , just so you can get wasted. Not worth it.

  6. Take a Small Break from Your Child.
    FIRST!  taking a weekend off from parenting or a night off,  is a “PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT” so with that in mind, try to once every 3 months take a  day or weekend off from parenting to get in touch with your inner teenageness, we know the need and desire to be young and free is still there so  take a moment to acknowledge it.
     Keep in mind that  different children react differently to how long a parent is gone for,  so  choose   how long you are going to be gone from  your kid according to  his habits. If they are used to nursing in the middle of the night , then its  best not to be gone overnight wait  until  you’ve  overnight weaned.  Also if you are going to be gone  overnight  leave your child  with  someone who  you  fully trust and  who your child knows  really well.  Don’t be gone for more than a week-end.

11. Remember that You are Still You
and that's all there is to that. sure you had a kid grew up a bit, but I bet you still sleep with that dingy old teddy-bear - come on  now…  admit it !

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

 Parenting. This raising of young.

By: Melissa ( Diaz)  Neely

"You don't know what it's like to have all this pressure on YOU, this weight on YOUR shoulders. Knowing that if the end product is askew, it's because of YOUR faulty planning or workmanship."

 He retorted, to my suggestion that he build the home himself, from the ground up.

 As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a wall around my heart crumbled a little. It's a completely unrelated subject, but his words finally expressed the stress and frustration quietly building up within me.  

 Parenting. This raising of young.
 Guide them- don't control them! Teach them- don't force them! Routine is good! Routine is bad- teach them to adapt! Public school is good! Private school is best! Home schooling is the only option! Organic, enviro-friendly, non gmo! No fluoride! Yes, fluoride! Vaccines are the devil! You are the devil if you don't vaccinate! Family doctor or pediatrician?! Don't force gender specific colors! Or toys! If they don't like a sport- dropout! Never allow dropping out! Expose them to the real world! They're too young to know what death is!



Questions and debates I had already settled for myself. I'd already decided, planted my foot and lived in the bliss of not questioning/researching/comparing. And somehow, without realizing, the doubts and fears and uncertainty crept back in. How did I get here again? How did I circle back to this point again?

Healthy eating habits, self control, polite, respectful, aware, personal hygiene, style, self confident, self-reliant.
Age appropriate accomplishments. Age appropriate maturity.

 "My six year old makes and packs their own school lunch every day!"
 "My four year old sweeps and dusts!"
 "My kids make their beds without being told!"
Hello, doubt. Hello, sinking feeling. Welcome back, Stress. Nice to meet you, Mr. Inadequate.

 And I greet them. I, alone. Because, it's on me. It's my responsibility. It's my worry. It's my weight. It's my job.

 Who else would decide if they should brush their teeth after breakfast? Who else would enforce it?

 Who else, instead of reaching for the strewn pajamas, calls for the owner of Hello Kitty and Sponge bob Karate pants to remind, to train, to give the opportunity for responsibility?

 Who else decides the menu for dinner? Where to shop, what brand to buy?

Yes, it's a weight. And a pressure. And a burden.
And, at the end of the day,
 when a fit is thrown at the family reunion,
 when sibling fights escalate to biting, hitting, slapping,
when bomb pop wrappers are discarded on the ground,
 when a toy is ripped from the neighbor child's grasp,
 when uncaring words fly,
 when whining for gum or candy or PLEEEEEEEEEEASE JUST ONE TOY resounds through Wal Mart...
 It's my face that burns.
 Because, really, isn't that a revelation of my poor parenting?

 And so, with heaviness, frustration, and a lump in my throat, I pull out my notebook, schedule dinner out with --my supporter, my 'I'll help in any way I can', my 'Mr. Fix It Man, my listener, my encourager, my LOVE--- and prepare to take a nitty gritty look at our family.

 We'll strategize, re-focus, set goals and boundaries.
 We'll get back on track.
 We'll answer the swirling questions, allay the doubts and fears.

   Confidence and Strength, this is your Save The Date. Invitation soon to follow.